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Yerba mate or coffee: what to choose?

Yerba mate or coffee: what to choose?

Yerba mate, aside from its many vitamins and minerals and numerous benefits, is most well-known for its stimulating effect. This is thanks to caffeine, which most people associate primarily with coffee. Since both beverages contain caffeine and act as stimulants, the question that puzzles many arises: what is better – yerba mate or coffee? Let’s find out together!


  1. Brief overview of coffee and yerba mate
  2. Caffeine – the common element of coffee and yerba mate. Which beverage works better?
  3. Vitamin and mineral content in coffee and yerba mate
  4. Yerba mate vs coffee – preparation
  5. Which beverage tastes better?
  6. Mate tea or coffee: what do the statistics say?
  7. Final decision: coffee or yerba mate?

Brief overview of coffee and yerba mate

Let’s begin with a journey through time and space to understand the origins of these two remarkable beverages. Coffee, known and loved worldwide, is made from roasted coffee beans. Whether whole or finely ground, roasted by various methods and to different degrees, the beans are brewed with hot water to create a black, bitter, and intensely aromatic drink. Its origins trace back to ancient Ethiopia, where the coffee plant’s stimulating properties were first discovered about 3,000 years ago. Today, coffee is known in nearly every corner of the globe. Since then, it has traveled a long path, becoming an integral part of morning routines for millions of people. It’s one of the staple products sold in almost every grocery store, with its production involving tens of millions of farmers worldwide. Almost everyone has a tin or jar of coffee in their kitchen – even those who don’t drink it regularly. Yerba mate, on the other hand, hails from South America, specifically the regions that are now Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Brazil. Its energising properties were discovered by the Guarani Indians, and some centuries later, local Jesuits helped popularise it further when they arrived in Latin America with the mission of converting indigenous populations to Christianity. Although mate tea is steadily gaining popularity, it is still far behind coffee in this respect. Each of these beverages has its unique qualities, attracting different groups of enthusiasts. What is better, mate tea or coffee? Let’s take a closer look and attempt to resolve this debate once and for all!

Caffeine – the common element of coffee and yerba mate. Which beverage works better?

Yerba mate versus coffee represents two entirely different worlds. What connects the two beverages is caffeine and its stimulating effect. Caffeine energises the body, reduces fatigue, enhances focus and concentration. It naturally occurs in products like tea, guayusa, cocoa, and guarana fruits. It is also added to energy drinks and fizzy beverages. Each energising drink differs in terms of caffeine content:

  • 1 L of espresso coffee = approx. 1691-2254 mg of caffeine
  • 1 L of brewed coffee = approx. 386-652 mg of caffeine
  • 1 L of yerba mate = approx. 358 mg of caffeine
  • 1 L of energy drink = approx. 320 mg of caffeine
  • 1 L of tea = approx. 124–418 mg of caffeine
  • 1 L of soft drink = approx. 96-194 mg of caffeine

In terms of caffeine content, yerba mate scores slightly lower than coffee in this comparison. Does this mean it’s less effective? It’s not just about the quantity of caffeine, but the quality of stimulation. Coffee provides a strong and quick boost but has a short-lived effect. It’s perfect when you need a rapid energy injection. The highest caffeine concentration in the blood occurs just 20-30 minutes after drinking coffee. Unfortunately, the sudden energy rush is often followed by a crash, causing fatigue to return. You could drink another cup of coffee, but the effect will be the same – a quick burst of energy followed by a caffeine “crash.” Yerba mate offers a steadier, more gradual stimulation. The energising effect is more stable and long-lasting. While yerba mate takes longer to “kick in,” its effect persists for much longer. Moreover, when the caffeine wears off, the drop in energy is far less dramatic for the body. Additionally, yerba mate contains theobromine and theophylline, which relax muscles and dilate blood vessels. As a result, mate tea not only energises but also helps in relaxation and improving blood circulation. The end result? Stable stimulation without abrupt energy drops. Regarding caffeine content and energising effects, choosing between yerba mate and coffee depends on the situation, personal needs, and preferences. Some prefer the quick hit of coffee, while others opt for the steady and lasting effect of mate. In this yerba mate vs coffee duel, we award 1 point to each!

Yerba mate versus coffee

Vitamin and mineral content in coffee and yerba mate

Alongside caffeine, other substances also play a significant role in both yerba mate and coffee. Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants… – each provides unique, somewhat different, positive benefits. How do these two beverages compare in this regard?

Yerba mate is a true treasure trove of vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamins from the B group (B1, B2, B6), as well as vitamins A, C, and E. Additionally, it is rich in minerals such as zinc, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, silicon, and magnesium. Interestingly, yerba mate supplies magnesium, whereas coffee depletes it. Magnesium is essential for proper muscle and nervous system function, and its deficiency can lead to muscle cramps, eye twitching, and general fatigue. Yerba mate is also an excellent source of polyphenols. Regular consumption may offer numerous health benefits. Thanks to its vitamin and mineral content, yerba mate supports the immune system, improves digestion, and aids in detoxification. Moreover, its antioxidant properties may slow cell ageing and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Coffee too has its strengths. It is rich in potassium, folic acid, vitamin E, and B-group vitamins. It contains a significant amount of magnesium, but, as mentioned earlier, excessive coffee consumption can lead to magnesium depletion in the body. Coffee is also a source of antioxidants that help combat free radicals and protect cells from damage. Regular coffee drinking may boost cognitive functions and enhance focus.

Both yerba mate and coffee have unique advantages, but in this category, yerba mate is the clear winner!

Yerba mate vs coffee – preparation

The method of preparing the brew matters to many people and can be a determining factor when choosing between mate and coffee. Let’s begin with coffee, which is beloved worldwide. It can be prepared in numerous ways: from the simple method of dissolving instant coffee in boiling water in a standard ceramic cup to using a French Press, alternative methods like a dripper or Chemex, or even advanced coffee machines. Espresso, cappuccino, latte – the options are nearly endless, and each method adds unique qualities affecting the drink’s taste and aroma. The variety of brewing methods is what coffee lovers adore; they can enjoy their favourite beverage in a different way every time!

Yerba mate, on the other hand, is a beverage with a rich tradition rooted in South America. Traditionally, it is brewed in a special vessel called a calabaza (or simply mate cup), and consumed using a bombilla – a filtering straw. Preparing yerba mate is a more elaborate process compared to brewing coffee – it’s a ritual infused with the ancient magic of the Guarani Indians. First, the dried leaves are scooped into the mate cup, then water at no higher than 80ºC is added. After a few minutes, the infusion is ready to drink. Every step of preparing the infusion is significant. It’s also worth noting that yerba mate can be steeped multiple times, allowing you to enjoy its flavour for an extended period. Is yerba mate a better choice than coffee? In this case, it’s difficult to decide, resulting in another tie!

Which beverage tastes better?

Which tastes better – yerba mate or coffee? This is a question with no definitive answer because taste is highly subjective. Coffee boasts a rich, intense flavour that can be modified in numerous ways. Depending on its origin and roast level, different notes may be detected: floral, fruity, nutty, milky, caramel, or chocolate undertones. Some coffees have a light and pleasant body, while others are heavier and more robust in flavour. Most people who drink coffee with milk and sugar associate its taste with a pleasant sweetness, making it hard to replace, but at its core, pure black coffee is simply a bitter, stimulating beverage.

Yerba mate’s flavour profile is drastically different from coffee. Its taste is very distinctive – slightly bitter and astringent, with grassy and smoky notes that don’t appeal to everyone initially. However, yerba mate offers something coffee doesn’t – a vast range of flavoured variations. The market offers yerba mate infused with fruits, herbs, and even spices that temper its natural taste, making it more accessible to beginners. In terms of flavour, it’s another tie. Choosing between coffee’s and yerba mate’s taste boils down to personal preferences.

Mate tea vs coffee: what do the statistics say?

To settle the debate once and for all, let’s look at how these beverages fare on the global market. Coffee has a clear advantage here – it’s one of the world’s most popular drinks. According to the International Coffee Organization, global coffee consumption amounts to roughly 10 million tonnes annually. That’s an impressive figure!

In South American countries like Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Brazil, yerba mate is a national drink and consumed daily by millions. In recent years, mate has started to gain traction in Europe, where more people are choosing it as a healthier alternative to coffee. Statistics show that yerba mate consumption in Europe is rising year by year. More people are recognising its health benefits, such as its rich vitamin and mineral content and stable stimulation without sudden energy crashes. Yerba mate is becoming increasingly popular, especially among younger generations looking for natural and healthy alternatives to traditional energising drinks. Consumption trends indicate that yerba mate is gaining not just as a stimulating drink but as part of a healthy lifestyle. Its growing popularity can be attributed to increasing health awareness and interest in natural products.

Final decision: coffee or yerba mate?

Both coffee and yerba mate contain, alongside caffeine, many other substances, vitamins, and minerals that offer various unique and positive benefits. So, which beverage is better? Both will find their devotees and detractors. Some can’t imagine a day without an aromatic “little black coffee” or a sweet accompaniment like coffee with milk, sweetened with sugar, or enhanced with a fancy-flavoured syrup. Others dislike coffee’s taste or prefer a healthy, natural source of energy like yerba mate. It’s a matter of personal preference, and no one should be forced to change their habits. It’s worth trying both beverages to find the one that best suits your taste buds and needs. One thing is certain – yerba mate is an excellent alternative to coffee, worth trying and perhaps falling in love with, as we did!

Sources of information:

  1. Wikipedia: Yerba mate, Coffee, Caffeine.
  2. W. H. Ukers, All About Coffee, 1922.
  3. J. Hoffmann, The World Atlas of Coffee: From beans to brewing - coffees explored, explained and enjoyed, 2018.
  4. C.I. Heck, E.G. de Mejia, Yerba Mate Tea (Ilex paraguariensis): a comprehensive review on chemistry, health implications, and technological considerations, J Food Sci, 2007.
  5. International Coffee Organization.
  6. Instituto Nacional de la Yerba Mate.
  7. Statista.


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