The magic of “sacred wood”. How to care for a vessel made of palo santo wood?

It's high time to become a flesh-and-blood mateist! Palo santo is ideal for all keen yerba mate lovers and advanced mate drinkers who want a real depth of flavour in their brew. A vessel made from the unique wood of palo santo has many advantages, but it also requires special treatment. Today, we are going to tell you a few words about the magical palo santo mate cup – how do you take care of it so that it lasts as long as possible? Read on!
- “Sacred tree” palo santo
- Palo santo mate cup – why is it so special?
- How to care for a palo santo vessel?
- It's time to brew yerba mate like a real gaucho!
“Sacred tree” palo santo
Palo santo means “sacred tree” in Spanish. In fact, the term does not refer to a single species of tree, but to a larger group of plants found throughout Central and South America. Among them, those with the botanical, complicated-sounding names Bursera graveolens, Bulnesia sarmientoi and Guaiacum officinale are most commonly mentioned. Thanks to their aromatic resin and beautifully fragrant essential oils, palo santo trees have been used in folk medicine for hundreds of years. Some use them as incense – the smoke from the burning wood is used in aromatherapy or as part of meditation. It is intended to purify bad energy and have a relaxing effect. Hundreds of years ago, palo santo incense was used by Indian shamans in mystical rituals aimed at protecting against evil spirits and foretelling the future. Burnt palo santo wood has an enveloping, delicately citrusy aroma, but the aromatic resin that flows within it is not its only advantage. The wood of palo santo trees is very hard and durable. For this reason, it is used to make a variety of items – furniture, utensils or pieces of jewellery. Palo santo wood is also used to make yerba mate cups. The uniqueness of palo santo is also supported by the fact that some palo santo trees are threatened with extinction, which makes items made from their wood even more valuable.
Palo santo mate cup – why is it so special?
The “sacred tree” is an important element in yerba mate culture. Gourd for drinking yerba mate made of palo santo is usually chosen by people who already know the characteristic taste of the brew well and want to extract even more depth from it. The palo santo mate cup not only smells beautifully of natural wood, with intriguing citrus notes, but also “gives back” its flavour to the infusion prepared in it. Under the influence of the warm brew, the wood releases aromatic substances that enrich the drink, adding a unique aroma. Drinking yerba mate from such a vessel is a completely different experience from drinking from an ordinary ceramic calabash! But that's not all... Palo santo resin has “magical” properties. It has a disinfectant effect and makes the vessel quite resistant to mould. In addition, it makes it possible for the slight cracks that appear on the vessel with use to repair themselves. It is also worth mentioning that this type of vessel is not mass-produced – it is the work of human hands, so each one is unique and one-of-a-kind. As befits wood, palo santo requires special care, different from the usual cleaning of ceramic or aluminium vessels. So…

... How to care for a palo santo vessel?
Palo santo mate cup – before the first use
The preparation of a yerba mate drinking vessel, regardless of the material it is made of, is called a curado. Before using it for the first time, it is advisable to treat the wooden mate cup with boiling water – this will help to deal with any impurities caused, for example, during transport. After rinsing the vessel with water, set it upside down to dry. The entire curado process should then be carried out. It is quite time-consuming and requires a few steps, but it is definitely worth doing – a properly conducted curado will strengthen the wooden walls of the mate gourd, thanks to which the vessel will last longer. How to do it? After the first rinsing with boiling water and drying, the vessel should be oiled with a good quality oil – preferably olive or coconut oil. Rub the oil into the wood carefully and evenly, then leave the mate cup for about 1-2 days to allow the fat to absorb well. Excess oil may collect at the bottom of the vessel, so after this time, rub the fat once more into the walls of the mate cup with a cloth. The whole process can be repeated 2 or 3 more times for better results. Once the palo santo vessel has absorbed the fat well, it should be rinsed with warm water (without detergent!) and left to dry, taking care not to over-dry the wood. Over-drying it will crack, which may make it difficult or impossible to use the vessel. In the case of a palo santo mate cup equipped with a metal fitting, the curado process can be omitted, but there is nothing to prevent it from being done – this action will slightly increase the durability of the vessel.
Palo santo mate cup – how to take care of it during daily use?
The basic rule for cleaning and caring for palo santo, which must be followed in order to enjoy your yerba mate mate cup for a long time, forbids the use of any detergent. Why? The wood absorbs this type of substance very well. Chemicals could therefore be felt during the consumption of subsequent infusions. The palo santo mate cup should therefore be washed with water alone. Rest assured that this is sufficient! Palo santo has antibacterial properties. It is also important to remember not to leave palo santo full of wet grounds overnight. This can cause mould growth, which will easily transfer to the wood or the space between the wood and any hardware. In such situations, cleaning the vessel can be very difficult and, in advanced cases, even impossible. This is very important because mould is harmful to our health! Do not wash a vessel made of palo santo wood in the dishwasher – the wooden walls, although sturdy, can be damaged. It is also important not to over-dry the wooden mate cup, as it may crack. It is therefore advisable to regularly prepare yerba mate in it so that the wood retains its moisture, and when drying it after washing, place it upside down and be careful not to let it stand near a radiator, in the sun or in a very dry environment.
It's time to brew yerba mate like a real gaucho!
If you have not yet had the opportunity to drink yerba mate from a real palo santo mate cup, we strongly recommend getting your own wooden vessel! You will find several interesting offers in our shop. We would particularly like to recommend the Salvador mate gourd, which also comes with a stylish, handmade leather decoration. The Pampeano mate cup, on the other hand, features an interesting, unusual solution. In its thick walls, there are even grooves – channels – into which water is poured, instead of directly onto the dried product. In this way, the water gradually soaks the dry leaves from the outside and the brew becomes more potent in a more balanced way. You already know what products we recommend and how to look after a palo santo mate gourd, so let's get to it. It's time to brew a delicious and aromatic yerba mate in the magic cup!
Source of information:
- Wikipedia: Bulnesia sarmientoi, Bursera graveolens, Guaiacum officinale.