Slimming with yerba mate tea. Lose weight the natural way!

Yerba mate for slimming? That's right!
It is not about any fancy diet miracle, or one of those supposed "revolutionary discoveries" that we regularly come across online. The natural properties of Paraguayan holly have been known since pre-Columbian times. The infusion would be used by the native tribes to provide the sensation of satiety and stimulate them during hunts or wars with other tribes. Today it’s a widely known fact that yerba mate tea staves off the hunger by blocking colorectal receptors responsible for informing about hunger. In addition, yerba inhibits pancreatic lipase activity. As a result, the body absorbs less fats and copes easier with their excretion. Chlorogenic acid contained in the infusion is another extremely important element. It inhibits the transformation of stem cells into fat cells. Among important components of yerba mate there’s also catechin. It makes one's body absorb less sugars.
Which yerba mate tea will be the best for slimming?
In general terms, every yerba mate tea type will support weight loss. However, there are special mate tea blends with herbs created especially for slimming. They’re usually labeled as silueta, which in Spanish simply means "figure" or “shape”. What do these mixes contain? First of all, herbal supplements that support digestion and metabolism. Among ingredients with special value for slimming, boldo herb has to be mentioned. Folk medicine of Argentina and Brazil has known its soothing properties for centuries. It appears that our customers are most likely to choose Guarani Silueta brand for weight loss. In addition to the boldo, it also contains a peel of bitter orange which regulates appetite and provides vitamins.
Lose weight with yerba mate!
Obviously a product that somehow automatically makes you lose weight doesn’t exist and probably never will. Slimming is about the change of lifestyle! It concerns changing eating habits along with introducing physical activities. Yerba mate tea is just one of the elements. Still, it can be very beneficial and should be considered an important addition to one’s diet. Forget about suspicious dietary supplements or weird specifics. Stick to the nature!