Properties of palo santo. The legendary "sacred wood" is appreciated not only among yerba mate fans!

Yerba mate fans associate it primarily with fragrant dishes for their favorite brew, but in fact it is only one of several uses of this unusual wood. The subject of today's text is, of course, palo santo. This time, however, we will look at it from a slightly broader perspective than usual.
"Sacred Wood" not only for mate fans! Discover the properties of palo santo.
Palo santo, or the famous "sacred wood", is actually bursera graveolens, a tropical tree rich in fragrant resin, from South and Central America. The unusual properties of the plant have been known to man for centuries. Pioneers in its use were the indigenous peoples of the Aimara, Quechua and Jibaro groups. It had primarily ritual significance, constituting an important attribute of local shamans during tribal celebrations. Tiny, carefully cut pieces were used as incense. It was believed that the unusual ethereal aroma of burnt wood helps to chase away evil spirits and achieve energetic and mental harmony. Moreover, they were considered a panacea for various ailments. The oils obtained from the plant have found application in natural medicine as a means of fighting colds, inflammations, and even depression and lack of vitality.
Although modern medicine debunks many myths surrounding "sacred wood" and its properties, some of its applications are scientifically confirmed. Today we know for sure that palo santo is a good source of antioxidants and has antibacterial properties. In addition, it can also help to alleviate joint pain and stomach problems, and even, as Cuban scientists argue, slow down the development of carcinogenic cells. Aromatherapy with its use, in turn, is a valued way to get rid of runny nose and cough.
Those for whom the medical uses of palo santo are not that important will appreciate the other benefits of bursera graveolens. The incense smoke seduces the senses with its unusual, ethereal scent with a subtle citrus note. That is why palo santo works well as an air freshener with a milder and more natural fragrance than conventional incense sticks. Pleasant fragrance perfectly relaxes and brings you into a state of bliss. It will also be a great complement to your meditation session. As you can see, "holy wood" has an unambiguously positive effect on people. Meanwhile, insects do not like him. Incense smoke acts as a deterrent to them, helping us get rid of uninvited guests in the house, such as flies and mosquitoes.

Palo santo in the world of yerba mate tea. Mate cups and their properties.
Earlier on, we focused on the properties of essential oils and palo santo incense. However, as you know very well, "sacred wood" is also used in the production of artisanal yerba mate vessels. What distinguishes them from the others and what are they characterized by? Well, the fragrant resin contained in wood releases its valuable properties also when in contact with warm water. So, when preparing an infusion of Paraguay holly in palo santo, we can count on a completely new taste experience! The noble bitterness of yerba perfectly combines with the ethereal, and at the same time slightly citrus scent of "holy wood". The whole thing gains a unique aroma full of natural depth. Importantly, when in contact with water, the qualities of palo santo are released more slowly and in a more balanced way.b Thanks to this, the vessel will release its valuable properties for a long time. However, its proper maintenance is crucial. After buying a palo santo dish, we should necessarily subject it to the curado process, i.e. simply impregnation. Immediately after purchase, the inside should be thoroughly lubricated with olive or vegetable oil and left for about a day. Then just rinse them with water, let them dry and ... it's ready! The mate prepared in this way will release the resin at a balanced and optimal pace for the taste. In addition, it will become more resistant to cracks and mechanical damage, thanks to which it will serve us much longer!