Palo santo cup for yerba mate. What is it and why you NEED one!

Palo santo, the so-called "sacred wood" of the Indians has always had a huge importance for indigenous cultures of South America. Nowadays, it's popular as an ingredient of aromatic natural incense. It's also popular among yerba mate tea fans. Palo santo cups are characterized by great design, resistant construction and beautiful fragrance!
Palo Santo. Holy South American tree.
Palo santo or, according to scientific terminology, bursera graveolens is a tree from burseraceae family. It’s found in Central America and northern part of South America. The unusual fragrance of its wood was appreciated by Indian tribes long before the arrival of Columbus. Shamans made essential oils from it, considering them useful in soothing neuralgia and rheumatism. They would also use it during various tribal celebrations.
Palo Santo. Perfect for yerba mate fans.
Nowadays, palo santo is primarily used as a natural incense and aromatherapy ingredient. It’s also appreciated by fans of yerba mate. Mate tea cups made from palo santo wood are widely regarded as premium quality products. No wonder. Most of them, like those you can find in our mate tea shop, are hand-made by local craftsmen. However, due to the growing popularity of mate infusions, they can be obtained at a very favorable price. Just take a look at the selection of our palo santo vessels! Any doubts? Read on and you’ll realize that drinking mate from such vessel will be a whole new experience!
Palo santo gourd for yerba mate. Which one should I choose?
In our offer you will find various palo santo gourds. Some are made entirely of fragrant wood. Others have a special stainless fitting that strengthens the structure and protects against mechanical damage. Among the products from the first group, the Huevito model deserves special attention. The small oval-shaped dish looks aesthetically pleasing and is available at a very low price. An interesting fact is also guampa palo santo. The dish resembling a bovine horn is characterized by an unusual shape and ornaments in the spirit of Latin American folklore. Palo santo in stainless metal will also be an excellent choice. Models such as Pedro, Barril and Diego differ in shape and capacity. All of them are characterized by high quality and reliable construction ensuring durability and comfort of use.
Let’s start the adventure with curador!
For our matero to serve for many years, it will be necessary to strengthen its natural structure. In order to impregnate palo santo walls, the so-called Curado. The operation boils down to lubricating its interior with oil or oil and allowing it to be absorbed. The process should be repeated each time the vessel is rinsed with water. Only after making the curado will we be able to start sipping it comfortably.
How does yerba mate in palo santo gourd taste like?
Palo Santo provides a completely unique taste experience. You will feel the difference even before taking the first sip. The characteristic aroma of the infusion is enriched with a slightly resinous, floral notes with hints of citrus. The soothing scent goes hand in hand with different flavour. Yerba mate in palo santo will be milder. The bitterness is slightly neutralized, and the whole takes on a slightly soothing character. Palo Santo is very rich in natural resin. Once it undergoes a so-called curado (impregnation), it can be used for a really long time!