National Day of Spain — yerba mate in Spain

National Day of Spain is annually celebrated on 12th October. For this ocassion, all Spanish people stay at home to celebrate this day properly. From today’s article, you will find out how they celebrate this day. However, this holiday made us think more about the Spanish culture. Discover yerba mate’s popularity in Spain and the way people drink it there. Enjoy!
Fiesta Nacional de España – a unique day for Spanish people
„Columbus Day” in North America, „Día de la Raza” in Latin America, „Giornata di nazionale Cristoforo Colombo” in Italy. The essence of this holiday is commemorating the anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s first arrival in the Americas. Every year, on 12th October Spanish people, take part in a military review as well as His Majesty King and the presidents of autonomous regions. Fiesta Nacional de España is also called the Day of Columbus and Spanish Language Day.
Taragui – the most popular yerba mate tea in Spain
Spanish people call yerba mate “maté” and their favourite kind is Taragui. It is an Argentine yerba mate grown and selected on the certified plantation of Las Marias which manufactures also such brands as La Merced or Union. Taragui is a typically classic mate tea with an intense taste that lasts even after multiple warm water refills. Its effect is rather delicate; that is why it will be a perfect choice for beginner mateists. It contains yerba mate dust and twigs. Yerba mate Taragui is a perfect source of minerals such as potassium and magnesium, vitamins and antioxidants that remove free radicals responsible e.g. for the ageing process.
Spain – the biggest importer of Argentine yerba mate tea
Spain places in the first position in the ranking of Argentine yerba mate importers. No wonder that Taragui is the most popular mate tea in this country. Does it mean that Spanish people drink only this kind of mate infusions? Of course, not! Yerba mate Rosamonte is the second in terms of popularity yerba mate in this country. However, the largest European consumer of yerba mate is France. Spain is in second place with 507 000 consumed annually!
How do Spanish people prepare yerba mate tea?
In Spain, the way of preparing yerba mate does not differ much from the one that is widely known. The residents of this country often use water at two different temperatures. Firstly they pour it with water at 40°C, then add some at 75-80°C. What is interesting, the way of drinking yerba mate tea in Spain is entwined with the social aspect and treated as a ritual - during a social event or meeting even a few people can drink from one gourd.