How to encourage your friends to drink mate tea? Check out our tips!

Yerba mate is the perfect infusion to drink in company. It helps to open up to others and strengthen relationships between people. But what if we are alone in our passion and friends shrug when they hear about yerba mate? The answer is simple: let's try to infect them with our passion! And we know how to do it!
Yerba mate step by step. From ignorance to enthusiasm.
When sharing mate tea with someone, you probably often only saw a puzzled face in response and a complete lack of enthusiasm! Well, if you gave the novice a dish with a solid portion of Pajarito or other strong Paraguayan yerba, then… no wonder! We absolutely do not intend to discredit this iconic brand, but you will probably admit that you have to get used to its intensely smoky aroma. A great alternative will be a slightly lighter yerba mate, preferably those subjected to long seasoning or air-dried. Brands such as Yaguar and Verde Mate Green will undoubtedly prove themselves. It will be even easier if your friends do not mind herbal or fruit supplements. Their presence makes yerba softer, and the range of flavors broadens with more sweet and refreshing notes.
How to encourage others to drink mate tea? The quantity matters!
As you know, the suggested portion of yerba mate for one portion of the infusion is usually about half the volume of the gourd. It's hard to deny that South Americans don't save on yerba mate. It is not stated, however, that we cannot modify these suggested proportions. The characteristic feature of Paraguay Holly is that even in small amounts it releases valuable properties and a characteristic aroma. Of course, such an infusion will be much less intense in terms of taste and properties, but isn't that what we want? Believe me, the right proportions make a huge difference! Especially if you want to treat a newbie and you only have intense products like Guarani or the aforementioned Pajarito.

How to encourage drinking yerba mate? A story straight from our office.
As part of the conclusion, we will share with you an authentic example straight from "our backyard". As you might have guessed, practically all of us drink yerba mate at work. Some of us are fans with a very long experience, but there are also those who first encountered mate when they joined our team. In order to encourage them to drink the infusion, we have developed a certain scheme of introducing them step by step into the world of yerba mate. So far it turns out to be reliable! We start with fruity, delicately sweet yerba mate. Most often it is a small portion of a subtle and aromatic Yaguar Papaya (about a quarter of a cup). Gradually, we increase the "dose" of Paraguay Holly and at the same time we offer another mate, for example a slightly different, but still mild-tasting Verde Mate Fresa . Then it's time for something more bold, like Verde Mate Mas IQ . Its composition includes both herbs and fruit, which guarantees an original and varied taste experience. Finally, we move on to the classics, most often starting with yerba mate from Brazil or Argentina. Traditional "Paraguayans" are usually the last stage and this is how we end the "training" most often. Believe it or not, it really works!
We hope that thanks to our tips your friends will also go crazy about yerba mate!