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How does yerba mate affect digestion?

How does yerba mate affect digestion?

The legendary brew of the Guarani Indians is winning the hearts and taste buds of people all over the world. And it is all due to its unique taste and health properties. Yerba mate is not only an excellent stimulant, but also – as it turns out – has a great effect on digestion. How can it aid in the fight against stomach problems? Read on and we will answer all your questions and dispel all your doubts!


  1. The green brew from South America that is conquering the world!
  2. Yerba mate and digestion. Why drink it?
  3. The best yerba mate for digestion. Which ones to choose?
  4. Can yerba mate cause digestive problems? When to be careful?

The green brew from South America that is conquering the world!

Yerba mate is an infusion that has a long and rich history dating back hundreds of years. It is prepared from the leaves of Ilex paraguariensis, a tree that grows exclusively in South American countries such as Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and southern Brazil. It is a true natural gem that only grows in specific climatic conditions. It requires mountainous terrain, soil rich in phosphorus and iron and high temperatures and humidity. This makes yerba mate not only a drink with exceptional properties, but also a product with a unique origin. The brew has accompanied the inhabitants of these regions for centuries, becoming an integral part of their daily lives.

But what exactly is yerba mate? It is more than just an herbal tea! It is a true ritual, a way to connect with nature and the people around us. In Spanish, mate refers to the special vessel from which the infusion is drunk, and yerba is simply the herb from which the infusion is made. Traditionally, yerba mate is served in a calabash and drunk through a metal tube called a bombilla. Its unique taste – slightly bitter, with earthy and grassy notes – may surprise you at first, but quickly becomes something you long for every day. The first enthusiasts to drink yerba mate were the Gaurani Indians, who were the first to discover its remarkable stimulating and health-giving properties. It soon became popular with the Spanish colonisers and its consumption spread across the continent. Nowadays, after many vicissitudes and historical turmoil, yerba mate is recognised almost all over the world, not only as a drink that gives energy, but also as a support for health – especially when it comes to the digestive system.

Yerba mate and digestion

Yerba mate and digestion. Why drink it?

The Guarani Indian infusion is a drink that can work wonders. But what effect does yerba mate have on digestion? How does it actually work? Let's start with the fact that yerba mate contains a host of active ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body. Prominent among these are caffeine and theobromine, a range of vitamins and minerals, as well as saponins and antioxidants, which together, combining in perfect synergy, support the functioning of the digestive system.

Caffeine, which is one of the main components of yerba mate, not only has a stimulating effect on the mind and body, but also has an impact on the functioning of the digestive system. It stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and speeds up intestinal peristalsis, which means that the digestive process runs more smoothly and we can avoid feeling heavy after meals. A portion of yerba mate drunk during or after a meal helps to keep us feeling light – even after a hearty lunch. In addition, caffeine speeds up the metabolism, which is also key to the proper functioning of the digestive system. Yerba mate and constipation? Here, we must not forget the invaluable role of the saponins found in it, which act as natural anti-inflammatory agents. Saponins support intestinal function, helping the body to effectively remove food debris, which can significantly relieve unpleasant constipation. Yerba mate and flatulence? This is another topic where the infusion excels! The theobromine contained in mate tea has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, thus alleviating the annoying discomfort associated with flatulence.

Practical tips for consuming yerba mate

Although yerba mate has many health benefits and its effects on the digestive system are invaluable, the wrong approach to preparing and drinking the brew can unfortunately result in quite the opposite. How can you drink yerba mate without worrying about abdominal discomfort? Here are some of our practical tips to help you avoid this problem:

  • Start with small quantities. If you are just starting out on your yerba mate adventure, moderation is key. To begin with, it is advisable to drink the infusion in smaller quantities in order to get your body used to the new, strong drink. Gradually, you can increase the amount of dried mate you pour into the vessel and the number of yerba mate portions you consume, watching your body's reactions. This will help you avoid unwanted effects in the form of unpleasant stomach revolutions.
  • Avoid drinking yerba mate on an empty stomach. Yerba mate is no ordinary tea – it is much more intense in both taste and effect, and drinking it on an empty stomach can lead to mucosal irritation and a feeling of bloating. Drink yerba mate during or after a light meal. This will help minimise the risk of discomfort and so your stomach will be better prepared to receive the herbal infusion.
  • Drink slowly and enjoy every sip. The way you drink yerba mate matters! It is not about drinking a portion of mate as quickly as possible and feeling a rush of energy instantly. That isn't the way! The infusion is best consumed slowly, in small sips. This gives the body time to assimilate the active ingredients, such as caffeine and saponins, without overtaxing the digestive system. Drinking at a slower pace can also help avoid the build-up of air in the stomach, a common cause of bloating.
  • Avoid adding sugar. While adding sugar to yerba mate may seem tempting – especially at the beginning of your adventure when you are trying to switch from drinking sweetened coffee or sugary energy drinks – it is worth avoiding this and opting for the natural flavour, if you are prone to bloating and stomach problems. Sugar can ferment in the gut, which can lead to increased gas production. Instead, drink yerba mate in its pure form, and if you must sweeten it, add a little honey.
  • Appropriate water temperature. The temperature of the water you pour over yerba mate can also affect digestion. Water that is too hot (above 80°C) not only destroys the properties of the holly and makes the infusion bitter. It can irritate the stomach, leading to discomfort. It is recommended to brew yerba mate in water of about 70-75°C. This temperature is gentler on the stomach, while allowing the flavour and properties of the infusion to be fully extracted.
  • Choose the right types of yerba mate. Some varieties of yerba mate can be less “heavy” on the digestive system than others. If you are prone to bloating, it is worth choosing blends with herbs that support digestion, such as mint, lemon balm or fennel. These herbs have diastolic properties and can help prevent bloating. See the next paragraph for information on which yerba mate to look out for in particular.
  • Listen to your body. The most important thing is to listen to your body's needs. If you notice that you develop abdominal pain, bloating or other gastrointestinal problems after consuming yerba mate, try modifying the way it is made or reducing the amount of infusion. Every body is different, so experiment with different types of yerba mate and brewing techniques to find what works best for you!

he best yerba mate for digestion. Which ones to choose?

If you're wondering which yerba mate to choose to effectively support your digestion, it's worth noting a few key ingredients and compositions. Although yerba mate on its own can significantly improve digestion, it will work even better with the right ingredients. Among the best yerba mate for digestion are those that contain additional herbs to support the digestive system:

  • camomile – has a diastolic and anti-inflammatory effect, which can help relieve abdominal pain,
  • mint – is known for its ability to relieve flatulence and indigestion,
  • fennel – supports digestion and helps reduce flatulence,
  • boldo – stimulates bile production, which is beneficial for better digestion of fats.

On the market – and in our shop, of course – you will find many types of yerba mate that can support your digestion. Examples include Pajarito Compuesta con Hierbas with peppermint, lemon verbena and burrito, Yaguar Hierbas Pampeanas, in which you will find herbs such as lemongrass, mint, aniseed, chamomile and fennel, Brazilian and mild-tasting Verde Mate Green Herbal Energy with a very rich composition, which includes gunpowder green tea, rockrose, thistle seeds, nettle, rosehips, mint, sage or the Argentinian CBSé Hierbas Cuyanas, which, in addition to the aforementioned mint, fennel and boldo, contains coriander, lemon balm and poleo, which is interesting in taste. It is also worth mentioning the organic yerba mate, which is free of pesticides and artificial additives. Soul Mate Orgánica Menta Limon is an excellent choice for those looking for natural and healthy options. This yerba mate contains mint and lemon, which further supports digestion and refreshes.

Can yerba mate cause digestive problems? When to be careful?

Yerba mate is a drink with many health benefits, but like any product, it can also have potential side effects. In some cases – rather than combating them – it can cause digestive problems, especially if consumed in excess or by people who are sensitive to its active ingredients. One potential side effect of drinking yerba mate is heartburn. The caffeine in it increases the production of gastric acid, which can lead to gastro-oesophageal reflux in some people. In addition, excessive consumption of yerba mate can cause diarrhoea or stomach cramps, especially in people with sensitive digestive systems. And who should avoid consuming the brew? There are several contraindications to drinking yerba mate with digestive problems. Among those who should be careful are people sensitive to caffeine, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and children, as well as those suffering from stomach ulcers or gastro-oesophageal reflux. In such cases, it is advisable to consult your doctor before including yerba mate in your diet and starting to consume the brew regularly.

Yerba mate is a true treasure of nature! There can be many benefits to consuming the South American brew, but as always, moderation and a mindful approach to diet is key. So if you're looking for natural support for your digestive system, yerba mate can be a great solution – just choose the right blend and enjoy a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Cheers!

Source of information:

  1. Wikipedia: Mate (infusión).
  2. A. Gawron-Gzella, J. Chanaj-Kaczmarek, J. Cielecka-Piontek, Yerba Mate – A Long but Current History, Nutrients, 2021.
  3. D. H Markowicz Bastos et al., Yerba maté: Pharmacological Properties, Research and Biotechnology, Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology, 2007.


CBSe  Hierbas Cuyanas 0.5 kg

CBSe Hierbas Cuyanas 0.5 kg

£3.90 incl. VAT/1pc(£7.80 / kg incl. VAT)
Verde Mate Green Herbal Energy 0,5kg

Verde Mate Green Herbal Energy 0,5kg

£5.90 incl. VAT/1pc(£11.80 / kg incl. VAT)
Yaguar Hierbas Pampeanas 0.5kg

Yaguar Hierbas Pampeanas 0.5kg

£5.10 incl. VAT/1pc(£10.20 / kg incl. VAT)
Soul Mate Organica Menta Limon 0,5kg (certified)

Soul Mate Organica Menta Limon 0,5kg (certified)

£6.90 incl. VAT/1pc(£13.80 / kg incl. VAT)