Brazil nuts – Amazonian superfoods full of health and flavour

Imagine holding the key to the Amazonian treasure trove of health in your hand. It’s a humble yet delicious snack – Brazil nuts. A creamy delight hidden in a tough shell. A true nutritional powerhouse! Why have they earned the title of a “superfood”? Why are they favoured by healthy lifestyle enthusiasts? And is it really worth adding them to your diet? Buckle up, because we are taking you on a journey through a dense jungle of facts, myths, and flavours, straight into the heart of the Amazon!
- What are Brazil nuts?
- Brazil nuts: properties and nutritional value
- Can Brazil nuts be harmful? Check the contraindications
- Interesting facts about Brazil nuts. How to include them in your daily diet?
What are Brazil nuts?
Brazil nuts, also known as para nuts or Amazon nuts, are seeds of the Bertholletia excelsa tree. These majestic trees, which can grow up to 50 metres tall, are native to the wilds of the Amazon rainforest, especially in Brazil, Bolivia, and Peru. An interesting fact is how Brazil nuts grow – they develop inside large, hard fruits resembling coconuts, which can weigh up to 2 kilograms! Each fruit contains between 8 to 24 edible seeds – Brazil nuts.
Harvesting Brazil nuts is a process that requires a great deal of patience and perseverance. Even today, most of the work is done manually, and collectors must be cautious of the heavy fruits falling from trees. Interestingly, bees play a crucial role in the reproduction of the Brazil nut tree. Only they, with their unique genetic tools, are capable of pollinating the tree’s flowers.
Brazil nuts are much larger than other common nuts, such as almonds or peanuts, and their shape slightly resembles a crescent. As for their flavour, it is a true harmony of nature – delicate, buttery, with a hint of nutty sweetness. Their texture is also pleasant – smooth and creamy. Thanks to this unique flavour composition, Brazil nuts are not only an ideal snack but also an excellent addition to salads, mueslis, or desserts.

Brazil nuts: properties and nutritional value
One of the reasons Brazil nuts have gained such popularity is their extraordinary nutritional value. They are a true vitamin and mineral powerhouse! Brazil nuts are rich in healthy fats, but what sets them apart from other nuts is their extremely high content of selenium. A single Brazil nut can contain up to 95 micrograms of selenium, which is more than 100% of the recommended daily intake for this element!
Brazil nuts, selenium, and its importance for health
Selenium is a trace element that plays a significant role in the human body. It is key to the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, supports the immune system, and acts as a potent antioxidant. Consuming Brazil nuts regularly can help maintain proper selenium levels in the body, contributing to better well-being and health.
In addition to selenium, Brazil nuts are also rich in:
- magnesium – which supports muscle function and the nervous system,
- zinc – essential for immunity and wound healing,
- vitamin E – a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from damage,
- healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are rich in beneficial omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids.
Brazil nuts, calories, and nutritional values
It’s important to note that Brazil nuts are quite calorific, with 100 grams containing approximately 650 kcal. This may seem like a lot, but remember that these calories come from high-quality ingredients, such as healthy fats and proteins. Brazil nuts are very satiating, so even a small portion can satisfy hunger and provide essential nutrients without overloading with calories.
Brazil nuts and potential health benefits
So, what can be said about the health benefits of Brazil nuts? They are truly impressive! Here are some of the potential advantages they may offer:
- Support for thyroid function – thanks to their high selenium content.
- Improved condition of skin, hair, and nails – due to the presence of vitamin E and selenium.
- Boosting the immune system – thanks to the content of zinc and selenium.
- Enhanced cognitive function – due to healthy fats and minerals.
Can Brazil nuts be harmful? Check the contraindications
Although Brazil nuts offer many benefits, there are some circumstances where caution is necessary when consuming them. Like any food product, Brazil nuts should be eaten in moderation. While they are incredibly healthy, overconsumption can lead to negative effects. Why is this? It primarily comes down to their high selenium content. While selenium is essential for the body, excessive amounts can cause symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, or even hair loss. That’s why moderation is key – consuming just two nuts a day is enough to provide the body with the optimal dose of this valuable element.
People who are allergic to nuts should be particularly careful – although Brazil nuts are based on a different type of protein than, for example, peanuts, they can still cause allergic reactions. Additionally, individuals with kidney failure or dietary restrictions related to phosphorus should consult a doctor before including Brazil nuts in their regular diet.
Proper storage is also crucial. Brazil nuts contain fats that are prone to oxidation, which can lead to rancidity – so it’s best to choose fresh products from reliable sources and store them in a dry, cool place.
In summary – Brazil nuts and contraindications for their consumption:
- Allergies – individuals allergic to nuts should also avoid Brazil nuts.
- Excess selenium – consuming too many Brazil nuts might lead to selenium overconsumption, especially if your diet includes other sources of selenium. Symptoms may include hair loss, brittle nails, and gastrointestinal issues.
- Medication interactions – those taking certain medications (e.g., anticoagulants) should consult a doctor before regularly consuming Brazil nuts.
- Calories – due to their high caloric content, those on a weight-loss diet should monitor their intake of Brazil nuts.
However, when consumed in moderation, Brazil nuts are safe and beneficial for most people!

Interesting facts about Brazil nuts. How to include them in your daily diet?
Brazil nuts are considered one of the most eco-friendly nuts in the world. Why? Most Brazil nuts harvested today come from wild-growing trees in the Amazon rainforest. As a result, their collection does not involve mass destruction of natural habitats. What’s more, many Amazonian communities rely on nut collection as their primary source of income.
Another fun fact is that Brazil nuts are considered ”superfoods” – foods with exceptional nutritional value. They contain a combination of ingredients that support both the body and mind: from improving concentration and boosting immunity to enhancing skin and hair condition.
Finally, it’s worth mentioning that Brazil nuts have gained significant recognition in the culinary world. They feature in recipes for cakes, spreads, and even savoury dishes, such as crunchy additions to salads with rocket, sun-dried tomatoes, or roasted sweet potatoes.
Brazil nuts are incredibly versatile, and you can use them in many ways. Here are a few ideas:
- Healthy snack – just 1-2 nuts are enough to curb a “little hunger” moment,
- Salad topping – chopped Brazil nuts pair wonderfully with green salads and fresh vegetables,
- Homemade muesli or granola ingredient – they add crunch and nutritional value,
- Smoothie addition – blended nuts give smoothies a creamy texture,
- Dessert ingredient – perfect for cakes, bars, or as a topping for ice cream.
Brazil nuts are truly a treasure of nature – rich in vitamins, minerals, and outstanding flavour. In our store, you’ll find the highest quality Brazil nuts, carefully selected and packed to retain their freshness for a long time.
Looking to try something unique? Combine Brazil nuts with other products from our selection: yerba mate, aromatic teas, or infusion ingredients. Explore the full range of our Vivarini brand – enrich your meals and diet and take care of your health!
Sources of information:
- Wikipedia: Brazil nut, Selenium.
- J. Yang, Brazil nuts and associated health benefits: A review, LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2009.
- A. M. Kluczkovski, M. Martins, S. M. Mundim, R. H. Simões, K. S. Nascimento, H. A. Marinho, A. Kluczkovski Junior, Properties of Brazil nuts: A review, African Journal of Biotechnology, 2015.
- Ch. D. Thomson, A. Chisholm, S. K. McLachlan, J. M. Campbell, Brazil nuts: an effective way to improve selenium status, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008.