Argentine yerba mate in the premium version

Premium products are a real treat for every yerba mate fan. We often wonder - are they worth the price that is higher than usual? Today we are going to tell you more about Amanda Premium. Keep reading!
The first thing that is worth mentioning is the fact that Amanda Premium is more expensive than other products of the brand. Thanks to its double packaging it looks different at a very first glance. It has got a nice, cardboard box with information about nutrients and the serving proposition on it. There is also a product description on the box.
According to this description, mate tea Amanda Premium has been precisely selected for 90 years what is proof of its highest quality. Manufacturer convinces that this mate comes from plantations in the village and strict selection of the leaves guarantees subtle and long-lasting flavour and sweet aroma. The packaging looks absolutely professional what makes you really enjoy this product.
Now let’s focus on the quality of the product! As you open the packet, you feel a classic yerba mate tea aroma, delicately sweet and smoky. Firstly it may make the impression that it smells like a fresh mate but after some time it reminds a smoked plum. After pouring it with water, the aroma becomes classic and rather sweet. The blend contains dust (but in smaller amounts than typical Argentine mate teas), twigs, and leaves. You can find pieces of leaves of different sizes but in general, the product looks absolutely premium.
The information on the packaging says that it is recommended to pour this product with water at 75 degrees. The first sips of the infusion taste very good - it’s pure yerba mate tea. Other refills are rather delicate - sweetness and bitterness are well-balanced. What is lacking, is the strong bitterness that you can expect from the premium product yet the manufacturer describes this product as the one with a smooth taste and this is it!
Who may like Amanda Premium? Definitely all fans of yerba mate suave options and classics (included Argentine ones) without excessive bitterness. It is worth taking this product into consideration when looking for a delicate taste of mate tea. Beginners might use water at 70 - it will be even more subtle then.
Amanda Premium is different from other products from La Cachuera (producer). Whereas Amanda Elaborada comes from the mountains in Northern Argentina, Amanda Premium is grown in the lowlands. It is very important because Ilex paraguariensis trees will grow differently in various conditions. It can not only be easily seen but also felt. For example, mate “de campo” - from the lowlands is very aromatic, and “de monte” has a stronger taste. Climate conditions influence also the growth of the trees - in the lowlands, they are rather small, whereas in the mountains they can reach even 10 meters.